And the higher the denominator, the more accurate the fraction will be. To make it more usable, you have to pick the denominator that works for you. This fraction amount of 221/250 of an inch is not very useful for most people.
The denominator for this fraction is 1000, and the decimal number is the numerator.ĭecimal 0.884 as a fraction is written as 884/1000 simplified to 221/250
The decimal digits have a place value based on their location, and the place value of the last digit in the decimal number determines the denominator of the fraction.Ġ.884 = the first 8 has a place value of 10, the second 8 has a place value of 100, and the 4 has a place value of 1000. 0.884 is a fraction of an inch in decimal format, and you can write it as 884/1000.